November 25, 2008

An Ode to Fresh Direct

This might come across as an advertisement for Fresh Direct. So be it - it is an amazing service. For years now I would traipse around the city hunting and gathering for the best ingredients to cook the Thanksgiving Feast. Frankly, it was quite exhausting; at times anxiety provoking (am I getting to the farmer's market early enough to get the best of the pickin's?), and would take the wind out of my sail.

On Sunday night, I sat down with my lap top and just picked out what I need to cook on Thursday. While I am a stickler for lists and more lists (comes from years of catering) - with Fresh Direct's website I didn't even have to have a list. I started with the turkey of course - picked the 18-20 lb. bird and the rest of the shopping just occurred naturally. Vegetables, fruits, dairy, bread - all just a click away. So easy, so smooth, so relaxing. And the cost is pretty comparable to the stores I would go to. The convenience though ... Priceless!

The delivery is due this afternoon, a few hours after I am writing this. But am I afraid that they will mess up my order? Not really. I used them for Christmas dinner last year. But the time they really came through for me was last summer. I was catering a wedding. The company I ordered all the food from decided to take it to an old address and not even call me to tell me that no one was there! I basically waited and waited, tried calling and calling - no one was there since it was the weekend. The anxiety was enough to make me change careers.

But a huge part of the catering business is to have a plan B, and sometimes even a plan C and D. I calmly (outwardly calm) sat down in front of my computer and ordered everything from Fresh Direct. I won't lie-I was afraid. I was very afraid. But they showed up at the assigned venue on time with everything on my list. It was obviously more expensive than the whole sale place I originally ordered from - but boy, did they save my life. Since then I am a Fresh Direct Convert.

So today between 2 and 4 PM I expect them to show up with everything I ordered. Everything at the right temperature and looking good and fresh. I can't wait! And all the extra energy I have from the absence of shopping around town will result in a better cooking experience for my favorite holiday of the year.

Have you ever used Fresh Direct?

Do you think I should send a link of this post to the president of Fresh Direct? Maybe they'll give me a little discount for my next order.

Hope you have most of your shopping done.

Until I eat again!

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