January 19, 2007

January 2007

Random thoughts about my dining experiences in India

Most meals are had with a companion. Now that may be because I am on vacation and am always surrounded by family - but as a rule ... at least one meal is had with family. The other thing that I noted was that almost every meal is freshly prepared that day from scratch. This is probably the case since all households have help and the prep if not the cooking is done by the help. That encourages most people to eat fresh meals everyday. There is also some unconscious Ayurvedic traditions at play here since it is suggested that all food is alive and thus should be eaten at its prime. Refrigerated, and especially frozen food is frowned upon.

Thinking to my life back in the United States, I am certainly not going to employ a cook or a person to cut my vegetables but I can surely try to eat a freshly cooked meal everyday or every other day. Also, all the food eaten starts off in its natural form in that the carrot is freshly peeled and the chicken is probably freshly killed. No packets and cans here - which adds to the healthful properties of the meal.
Eating with another person has to be important too. One actually takes the time to lay the table and the sense of sharing and well being prevails.

I probably cannot dramatically change my lifestyle when I get back to the states but I can surely incorporate a few of the above in my daily meal times.

Until we eat again.

1 comment:

samantha227 said...

Why don't come back to NYC and use your new-found knowledge in your teaching? I would actually PAY for a class on chaat and the "new" cuisine of India.